
Push button brushed gold hot and cold mixer  


Push button brushed gold hot and cold mixer

Push button brushed gold hot and cold mixer A Push button brushed gold hot and cold mixer is a stylish and modern fixture that can greatly improve your bathroom or kitchen. It features a sleek brushed gold finish that adds a touch of elegance to any space. This mixer enables you to easily control the water temperature and flow by simply pushing a button. You can easily switch from hot to cold or vice versa without having to adjust multiple knobs. This mixer is also durable and resistant to tarnishing, ensuring long-lasting performance. It is perfect for those who want a convenient and stylish way to regulate their water supply. Faer faucets are all ADA-compliant, so you can install them with confidence. WaterSense® labeled faucet uses at least 20% less water than the industry standard without compromising performance. Handle Material: Zinc…