
Heyin Dried Chili Pepper  


Heyin Dried Chili Pepper

Heyin Dried Chili Pepper There Are Many Kinds Of Hot Peppers, Such As Chili Powder, Millet Pepper, Lantern Pepper, Etc., Which Are Pungent In Taste And Hot In Nature, Enter The Heart And Spleen Meridian, And Have The Effect Of Warming And Dispersing Cold, Appetizing And Digesting. In Northern China, Sichuan Cuisine, Hotpot And Other Dishes Are Essential. Heyin Sichuan Pepper Ground are whole chili peppers that have been dehydrated to remove moisture, resulting in a shriveled, preserved pepper that can be used in cooking. They are commonly used in many cuisines around the world to add heat and flavor to dishes. Dried chili peppers can be ground into chili powder, rehydrated and used in sauces and stews, or used whole in dishes like chili con carne or as a garnish. The level of heat in dried chili peppers can vary depending on the variety of pepper used.