
organic maltodextrin DE 10-15  


organic maltodextrin DE 10-15

Organic maltodextrin is a white powder made from corn starch through enzymatic hydrolysis. It is often used as a food additive. It is easy to digest, absorbs as fast as glucose, and is moderately sweet or almost tasteless. We provide various specifications of organic maltodextrin to meet a wide range of customer needs such as thickeners, fixatives, and puffed foods. Organic maltodextrin is widely used in beverages, frozen foods, candies, cereals, dairy products, health products, etc. It can also be used in daily chemical and pharmaceutical production. Our organic corn farm is located in northeast China, with a suitable climate and fertile soil, which can ensure the quality of corn. Therefore, the quality of our corn starch and maltodextrin are industry-leading. At the same time, we can also issue EU and USDA organic certificates for customers to prove the source of maltodextrin. We also offer other highly processed corn products such as organic ma…